Friday, April 20, 2012

Madness, I tell you!

So, life has been crazy busy lately with sports, school, college, and now trying to get my volunteer hours up so I can qualify for bright futures scholarship.......
 My cheer team has its last competition tomorrow, and after that is tryouts and summer practices and stuff which will be fun. I can't wait to actually change my tumbling for the better! It has been stuck in such a rut lately! My flag football mini-season ended last week, and I'm really sad we won't have a team next year :/ I enjoyed playing this sport more than just about anything I have ever done before!
Ethan is in the middle of soccer season. Soccer is like his favorite sport and he's pretty good at it, although I haven't been able to make it to many games this year. He's signed up for pop warner football in the fall which should be adorable!
Emma has started diving recently. She's signed up for a ten-week class. She couldn't make it the first week, but on her first day (the second week), she got invited by the coach to join their advanced program which practices several days a week. She plans on doing this as soon as her class ends. I'm so happy for her (:
Monique has a broken finger that she is dealing with, and she was also too young to play flag football this year so she is not participating in a sport right now.
Other than sports, I've reached the point where I can't just ignore the fact that college is coming up soon, and I have to start planning for it. The main thing is qualifying for the Bright Futures scholarship. Since I have the grades and SAT score needed to qualify for the second highest level (I will make it to the first by the next time I take the SAT/ACT!!!!), all that's left is to get my volunteer hours. Since they say it's smartest to get your hours in something related to what you want to do with your career, I am looking into coaching at my old gymnastics gym. So yea, that's about it right now! (:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

life is happening (:

            So, basketball season is coming to an end, and cheerleading season is beginning. My basketball has a tournament this week, and that's it. Our last practice was last Friday. For me, having always done year-round sports (well, basically just gymnastics), this is a weird thing for me to be actually leaving a sport, knowing it will start up again next year. It's odd to see my teammates ready for the season to end, too, but now I get to enjoy flag football next season, and focus on my cheer team between sports.
My basketball season was a ton of fun, but it's definitely hard splitting time between two sports, and I regret having to miss so many games because of cheer practices. Because of scheduling conflicts, my lack of experience, and bad injuries to both my toe and my hand, I only got to play in five games this season, not counting the upcoming tournament. But I loved doing what I could and next year will definitely be different!

Cheer is intense as always. My team has won both of our first competitions and I'm enjoying being on an undefeated team that is full of girls who are totally committed to the sport and have amazing work ethic. It feels good to work so hard that some days I can barely walk after practice and to watch it pay off as we win first place. Also, to be participating as an important member of the team (versus the last time I did cheer when I was out for six months with a back injury and put in only for filling space pretty much as we were very careful with the recovery process) feels great!

My siblings are all enjoying basketball as well. Monique's season also ends after her tournament this week, but Emma and Ethan are just starting. They've had three games each already, and both are pretty good. Ethan is almost always the high scorer of his team, and Emma does really well, too. It's kind of funny to watch them play because they have opposite problems on offense. Ethan tends to try to score "three pointers" (behind the foul line), and will shoot from very far back which, while a bit frustrating, works out fine for him because he has a very consistant shot, and Emma tends to always drive until she is so far underneath the basket that she cannot realistically put a shot up.

Besides sports, the main thing going on right now is a new direction to our youtube channel, which is understandable because none of us do gymnastics anymore, which was its main purpose, and we will be gravitating towards making videos that will teach others of Christ's love and will incorporate dance gymnastics, music, and short skits. We will begin working on this as soon as we have a few minutes to spare in our crazy lives. Anyways, that's about it. I will try to post some time later this week (: